Unique Things To Do for July 4th Weekend in Pike’s Peak Region


As July 4th looms ahead of us, it’s probably something to start planning about in advance—because we know the crowds can be really crazy if you don’t plan ahead and get thinking about your 4th of July adventure early. So what are some fun things to do in the Pike’s Peak Region that you and your family can do to celebrate Independence Day this year? Here are just a few ideas…

Celebrate A Historical 4th of July at Rock Ledge Ranch

Rock Ledge Ranch makes the “spirited history of the west” become a reality, according to their website. And 4th of July is a special event at the ranch, where you can tour historic homes, reenactments of a Revolutionary War encampment, and hear speeches like the Gettysburg address performed. It’s a truly poignant way to recollect our country’s history and struggle for freedom.

For more Info: www.rockledgeranch.com/events/event/family-fourth

Cripple Creek’s 4th of July Celebration

Cripple Creek is always a fun mountain town to explore, and the drive isn’t too far from Colorado Springs. Their 4th of July event has been called one of the best events in all of Colorado. They have live music, food vendors and beer, and a huge fireworks display that night. There is also an opportunity for visiting some of the historic places in the town, as well as casinos if you’re into that.

For more Info: www.visitcripplecreek.com/event/cripple-creeks-4th-july-celebration/

Symphony Above the Clouds

Woodland Park hosts a Symphony Above the Clouds every July 5th that is performed by the Colorado Springs Philharmonic Orchestra. It’s a free event to the public, including live entertainment before the concert and then patriotic and enriching music performed by the philharmonic orchestra. The concert always ends with the stirring Tchaikovsky’s 1812 Overture complete with cannons, bells, and fireworks!  This is a local must to attend at least once if you haven’t already done so.

For more Info: http://www.symphonyabovetheclouds.org/symphony-above-the-clouds-july-5/

Those are just a few ideas, but we hope that you can find a really great and meaningful way to spend your Independence Day no matter what you end of doing!